Vichy Aminexil Pro Treatment and Shampoo: Before/After Photos and Results

Vichy Aminexil Pro Treatment

Vichy Aminexil Pro Treatment

A month and a half ago i found out that my alopecia areata is back with a vengeance. I noticed before that my hair was shedding more than usual, but i thought its normal, winter and cold can have this effect.  Only for when drying my hair upside down one evening, Ony noticed a bald patch on the back of my head. Sigh.

So here i am, trying to fight this and get healthy again. Cue the Vichy Aminexil Pro Treatment and Shampoo.

Dercos Aminexil Pro is an intensive treatment which its meant to be used in two phases: one for attack – 1 monodose a day, massaged onto the scalp for 6 weeks and then a maintenance phase – 1 monodose every other day. Each monodose contains a cocktail of Arginine to stimulate microcirculation, Aminexil for hair loss reduction, SP94 for hair nourishment and PP&B6 vitamins.

Ive been diligently massaging the treatment every night for the last 12 days and using the matching Dercos Energizing Shampoo and while of course, no major results have shown, i can give some initial feedback on the product:

  • it doesn’t leave any residue on the hair or scalp, it can be easily used on dry hair without weighting down.
  • the smell is non offensive and wont interfere with your other products
  • it kinda dries out the scalp, maybe because i used it in conjunction with the Energising shampoo. Im getting once a week a coconut scalp mask and using the Ojon oil (the one in the pot) to help against the dryness.

Its very easy to use and not messy, i comb my hair using the Tangle teezer and then part and dispense the product. Dispense and massage, repeat, of course insisting on the trouble areas.

Im also pumping vitamins and minerals like there’s no tomorrow (silica, b complex, multivit, fish oil), with only 15 weeks until the Big Day i hope it wont get worse. Im desperately trying to change my diet too, incorporating anti-inflamatory foods and reducing the junk. Im not going to go for cortisone shots or Rogaine unless things are getting desperate.

Must not stress, must not stress…

If you got any other product recommendations or tips on how to overcome this let me know please, need all the help i can get.

PS. I will update this post after the recommended 6 weeks. I got the promotional pack with extra 6 monodoses (18 in total) for €41 (usual 12 for €41) and the shampoo €10.50.


Although its a sensitive issue for me, ive decided to insert some before and after pictures. When im looking up reviews online its always more helpful if i see some proving pictures of the products. My little patch was hidden in the back of my head, on a day to day basis you cant see anything and im not forced to make any adjustments to my hairstyle to hide it. Im aware it could be a lot worse.

Vichy Dercos Aminexil

Vichy Dercos Aminexil

Although my hair is still shedding and looks thinner than im used too, there is most definite some regrow. My scalp and hair is still feeling dry, but im decided to keep going and upped my game today with some supplements from Holland and Barrett.

If you want me to do more updates on this matter let me know.



  1. March 6, 2013 / 9:38 am

    Ah you poor thing hope this helps:( Try not stress!

  2. Andreea
    March 6, 2013 / 9:46 am

    Thank you xo

  3. March 12, 2013 / 10:00 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear this Andreea. If things really get desperate, try get a prescription for bimatoprost from you doc. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the standard treatment, but bimatoprost (the drug in Latisse eyelash growth serum) has shown itself to be effective in maintaining scalp hair in some recent clinical trials. Anecdotal evidence from users online indicates its much more effective than minoxidil.

    Wishing you all the best hun xxx

  4. Andreea
    March 12, 2013 / 10:04 pm

    Thanks Kat, ill ask my doc about that if worse come’s to worse. Dont know if its placebo, but think tiny hairs are growing so here’s hoping. Ill post update when more time has passed xxx

  5. Ana
    November 8, 2015 / 10:23 am

    I’ve done the Vichy Treatment aswell with good results. I have also tried the coconut oil thing, and noticed that for a solid month after i do that mask my hair falls off like crazy. Maybe you could try a moisturizing shampoo instead plus mask, wella professional for fine hair for ex is really light and works fine, or try a leave in spray after, like gliss. I just wanted to comment to warn about the coconut oil, although i heard a bunch of people, who had great results with it. Obviously it depends on every individual, but maybe you get the same problem…
    Good luck and thank you for your super feedbacks!

  6. Lola
    October 30, 2016 / 5:06 pm

    I have been absolutely bald twice. First it happened in December 2012 and second in December 2013. The think which helped me it’s mezoterapie. I got 10 session, 200-300 shots per session. Sounds creepy but it what I think saved my hair.
    Thinking about to get a Vichy just for prophylaxis.

  7. Tess
    June 18, 2021 / 9:15 pm

    Ok I know I’m many years late to the party but did Vichy’s Aminexil work in the end?


    • Andreea
      June 18, 2021 / 9:18 pm

      Hi, yes it did! I had full regrowth.

      • Gala
        March 11, 2022 / 2:54 am

        Please tell me, when I use VICHY DERCOS AMINEXIL CLINICAL, do I need to wash my hair with shampoo every day? Or can I wash every second day and keep this product on my hair?

      • Andreea
        August 13, 2023 / 9:40 pm

        You dont need to wash your hair every day, every second day is fine.

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