I loved the idea of Anti Haul posts and videos ever since ive seen Kimberly Clarks YouTube Videos. What a refreshing concept, in a world of consumerism and enablers (myself included) it was great to see bloggers giving their honest opinions on new hyped up releases and styles. Sometimes even if a product or a garment is so fashion, it doesn’t mean that it is really all that.
As always there is a matter of personal taste and experience, budgets and general wants, so do take my list as it is: just a few things that i kept being bombarded with and that i just refuse on buying. If you want to buy them however, please enjoy your purchase and wear it/use it proud!
Here goes ‘What im not gonna byyyy-iiii’
POCO by Pippa O’Connor Jeans. I feel as a disclaimer, i need to proclaim my undying love and admiration for Pippa. She is the ultimate goddess: looks, style and personality – this woman cant do any wrong. I would even venture on saying that i hope Sophia would marry one of hers amazing boys, that’s how much i like her and her family.
However, i am not going to buy her jeans. I tried a couple of pairs on when the POCO pop up was in Dundrum and i thought they were ok, they didn’t make me feel like i found the one and at the same time, they weren’t hideous on. The decision was categorically made when i have checked the price tag – €110 a pair, which made me vouch a hell no out loud in the changing room and leg it. I can get two fantastic pairs of for the price or two of the Topshop Leigh or about four of the . You get the gist. Eimear from The Two Darlings has a detailed review about them here.
The Cleanse Off Mitt by The Skin Nerd. I just cant wrap my head around this concept, all i can hear are alarm bells thinking of sensitive skins and makeup residue left behind. Somebody please think of the pores and rosaceea prone skins! I haven’t tried it myself – Karen did so you can read her review here, so please give me your feedback if you tried it and found that your skin thrived with it. I blame my extensive training in high end skincare, working on numerous beauty counters for the last ten years and just a passion for a good potion and lotion: i just don’t buy this cleansing concept (pun intended). I will buy oils, balms, milks, sonic brushes you name it. I will not buy a cleanse off mitt.
Ban.Do Small I Am Very Busy Agenda. As a disclaimer, i already bought this agenda. Twice. Once was for a Instagram giveaway, when everyone was going bananas for it and second last year for personal use. I painfully have another few months to go and finish it off. I will never buy the small Ban.Do agenda again, its too bulky, too narrow and dense. I need space and hate that feeling of writing on the inner edge. In the mean while ive ordered myself this 365 daily planner from Amazon to get me organized, once it arrives i will tell you if its worth it. I like the layout inside, a page per day type with no dates so you can start anytime trough the year. Its marketed as an organizer, happiness planner and mindfulness aid and it was only £8.99. Fingers crossed its good.
Lancome Monsieur Big Brow Crayon. This is a new Lancome release under their new makeup director Lisa Eldridge. I stumbled upon the new Monsieur Big Brow crayons in store and i kinda stopped in my tracks, astounded that Lisa would bring such a product out. Its a big crayon, hence the name with a weird waxy texture. The head is almost as big as a Clinique Chubby Stick if you are familiar with them and the formulation desperate. There is no way you could sculpt or shape delicately a brow with them, in my humble opinion. If you must, you can see them over on the Debenhams site here.
There you have it, a few things i wont be spending my hard earned cash this month. I loved thinking about this post and i would definitely do it again, it does us good not be filled by ‘i want’ thoughts and just be enough.
This Post contains Affiliate Links via RewardStyle. This means that if you click the link and you make a purchase, a small percentage will be earned as a commission. It wont affect however your purchase or add any extra on to your sale. I have started using affiliate links as a way of helping with the run and maintenance of my blog. Don't worry, i don't think ill buy that Gucci handbag any time soon.
Loved this! Great concept, there’s so many things I can think of that other people go mad for that I just don’t get the hype about. You’ll have to write another one!!
Emma x
Thanks Emma, was fun to write and think of stuff that i rolled my eyes at in the last while :). I will certainly do more! x
Ah I love Pippa too and when I have the cash I’m deffo gonna buy another pair – but loved this post! Xx siobhan
Im glad they suit you! x